Resistance to Socialism is always goodness in action.
No matter if it use caused by pure ignorance or implemented turpitude, the socialist wants all people to be in a herd and not in a place of freedom.
Liberty, honesty, honor and freedom is at stake. And opposing socialism is the same thing as opposing racism or any other hate crime.
Socialism in the 20th century is always Marxist based and loathsome. Trying to deny that is embracing delusion.
The answer to Marxist, socialist activism and political power is NO.
Those that oppose socialism MUST not be afraid of the hate, anger, destruction and violence of the common socialist. Marxists are intrinsically and ubiquitously threatening and dangerous. Like a parasite that hides in a healthy body, it sickens society like a pandemic.
Freedom of speech, liberty, self-expression are still destroyed by today’s Marxist. While modern “Marxists” claim no part of the murderous and sadistic history of socialism, the dictatorial nature of today’s movement cannot hide the reality that the Leopard cannot change its spots.
Totalitarianism and violence, are inseparable twins of Socialism.
Just listen to them: “We demand.”
Demand what? From whom?
What gives the Marxist the authority to force us to live under their control? Is it a twisted ability to reason that they are wrong? Incarnate evil? Brain-washing? Or all of the above? Something is wrong with the totalitarian. And socialists have to be totalitarians. The same as a virus needs to destroy cells to spread.
Threats turned to violence is not the only vehicle driven by today’s marxist. That needs to be noticed. Bullying, labeling, propaganda and deception are part of the fleet of vehicles used by the common marxist.
Opposing that and them are as noble a cause as anything the decent world has evern seen.
A “social safety net” is not socialism. Taxation when sensible and controlled is not socialism. Unions and “social justice” is not socialism. Although they can be sheeps clothing to the marxist wolf, it’s easy to see the difference between a good person and a socialist.
A new resistance is rising!
The stand against Marxist-socialism is now being proclaimed across the USA. A strong distrust of socialism is a healthy moral stance. The history of socialism past and present should worry every person that embraces freedom and liberty.
Freedom means individual rights.
While we all need to get along and share in the world around us, history has proven that socialism leads to totalitarians and dictators. We must speak out and act politically against this.
The USA is a reality about freedom.
The bad in the history of the USA is nothing that can be hidden. Still the USA is the place where people seeking and possessing liberty is still its best hope. Socialism is cancer to that freedom.